Guía de vacaciones

100 mejores deseos y citas de feliz día de San Valentín para tus seres queridos

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¡Feliz Día de San Valentín! ¿ Buscas las frases y deseos perfectos para San Valentín para compartir con tus seres queridos? Este artículo te ofrece 100 mensajes emotivos, divertidos y románticos para tu pareja, familia y amigos. Puntos clave Los mensajes personalizados fortalecen las conexiones emocionales. El humor añade alegría y hace que los...
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Tarjeta de San Valentín para esposo: elabora tu mensaje más sincero

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¿Cuál es el secreto para encontrar la tarjeta de San Valentín adecuada para mi marido ? Es más sencillo de lo que crees. Ya sea un hombre de humor, sentimiento o sofisticación, esta guía ofrece consejos prácticos para seleccionar una tarjeta que se adapte a su personalidad y celebre su vínculo. Continúe leyendo para...
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Guía de cartas para el día de San Valentín: elaboración de una declaración de amor

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¿Tiene dificultades para escribir una carta de San Valentín que realmente transmita sus sentimientos? Aprenda a redactar un mensaje auténtico y sincero que capture la esencia de su amor. Lo guiaremos para elegir las palabras correctas, compartir anécdotas personales y agregar toques únicos que harán que su carta se destaque. Si eres nuevo en...
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Historia del día de San Valentín: del antiguo ritual a la celebración romántica

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¿Cuál es la verdadera historia detrás del Día de San Valentín? No se trata de antiguos rituales de fertilidad, sino de un viaje transformador desde el martirio de San Valentín hasta una ocasión global de amor. En este artículo, descubrimos la historia del Día de San Valentín y cómo el 14 de febrero se...
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Flores falsas utilizadas para el día de San Valentín

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Cuando se trata de flores para el Día de San Valentín , debes asegurarte de obtener el regalo perfecto para esa persona especial. Y qué mejor manera de demostrar tu amor que con ¿hermosas flores? Pero no se preocupe si cree que las rosas y los claveles frescos no durarán lo suficiente. Las flores artificiales...
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This hardy flower got its name from its discoverer, Baron Klas Van Alstroemer, who found its seeds in 1753. Alstroemeria is generally linked to the symbol of friendship. Send bouquets containing Alstroemeria to show the strength of your bond with another.

Category: Basic
Color: Yellow, Orange, White, Pink, Red, Lavender, Purple, Magenta, Peach, Bi Color


The Amaryllis bulb is famous for its capability to produce flowers for up to 75 years. Amaryllis flowers represent radiant beauty. Send arrangements full of beautiful Amaryllis for someone who is beautiful from inside and out.

Category: Novelty
Color: White, Pink, Red, Peach, Orange, Bi Color


This colorful flower belongs to the family of buttercup. The Anemone is said to have sprung from the blood of the Roman god Adonis. These flowers generally represent anticipation. Help soothe someone’s nerves with this tranquil, lovely flower.

Category: Novelty
Color: white, pink, red, blue, purple, and yellow


This flower is native to Hawaii. These exotic flowers are the most popular and long-lasting of all available tropical flowers. Anthurium is the symbol for hospitality. Whenever you are a guest in someone’s home, make sure to present some Anthuriums to your host.

Category: Novelty
Color: Pink, Orange, White, Green and Yellow


In ancient times, it was believed that if Aster leaves were burned, the perfume would drive away evil serpents. In the present century, Asters are used to symbolize the element of patience. Running behind on a client’s project? Send some Asters to show that you appreciate them bearing with you.

Category: Filler
Color: White, Lavender, Purple, Pink, Magenta, Red, Peach, Yellow
Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

This strange and wonderful flower is native to South Africa and represents the feeling of joyfulness. The Bird of Paradise is an excellent flower choice to send for any celebratory occasion.

Category: Novelty
Color: yellows, oranges


These flowers got their name from Charles Bouvard, a Parisian doctor. Bouvardia is native to Mexico and was introduced in the UK in 1854. Bouvardia represents the sense of enthusiasm. Reward a hard-working employee with a bouquet made with Bouvardia



Carnations are native to the East and have been cultivated for the last 2,000 years. These hardy, fragrant flowers represent the feeling of pride and beauty. Send a bouquet of Carnations to let someone know you are proud of them

Category: Basic
Color: Pink, Yellow, Orange, White, Red, Lavender, Purple, Magenta, Burgundy, Green, Bi Color


These flowers have originated in Chinese gardens for over 2,000 years. Today, the Chrysanthemum is acknowledged as a symbol representing the sun. Chrysanthemums represent the essence of fidelity. Make sure to send them to your spouse in honor of your wedding anniversary



Generally, it is believed that when daffodils rise from the ground, it is a sign that winter is coming to an end and warmer weather is soon approaching. Daffodils represent the essence of chivalry. Present a bouquet of Daffodils to the handsome man at work who always holds the elevator for you.

Category: Basic
Color: White, Yellow, Bi Color


This wonderful flower is named after the German physician Friedrich Heinrich Theodor Freese. Freesia represents the essence of innocence and makes the perfect gift for the proud parents of a newborn baby.



This amazing flower got its meaning from the Latin word that means sword. Gladiolus represents Roman gladiators and symbolizes strength of character. Send a bouquet of Gladiolus as a token of respect to a person whose character you admire.



Throughout history this flower has been widely used as roofing material, bedding, a form of fuel, as a dye, and in basket and rope making. In a more esthetic realm, Heather represents the element of admiration. Present a bouquet of this amazing flower to someone whose friendship you value most in life.



According to the Greek culture, this wonderful flower was named after a boy, Hyacinth, who was killed after being hit in the head with a discus. A flower sprouted from the wound as the god Apollo held the boy. Hyacinths are native to the land of Turkey and represent constancy. Make sure to present a bouquet of Hyacinths to someone special to express the constancy of your love.



This flower is native to Japan and was first introduced to the UK in the year 1788. Hydrangeas represent feeling that is initiated by anything that is sincerely heartfelt. Send these flowers to thank someone for a special kindness or to offer an apology.



Irises are different from other flowers in the fact that they open during the spring time and can remain open for several days. Traditionally, this graceful flower has been chosen to convey the essence of “my compliments”. Compliment someone today by sending them a bouquet of irises



Larkspur belongs to the family of the buttercup and symbolizes levity. Send a bouquet of Larkspur to help someone see the humor in a situation.



Lilacs claim their origin from Southeastern Europe and were introduced into the U.S. in the 1700’s. They represent the element of youthful innocence. Send a bouquet of Lilacs to celebrate a recent graduate.

Lily Oriental

Lily Oriental

The majestic white lily symbolizes the elements of chastity and virtue. Tiger Lilies represent wealth and pride. Make sure to send a floral bouquet of Tiger Lilies to wish someone happiness and prosperity in all shades of life.



This amazing flower has its origin in Texas and Mexico and symbolizes the essence of an outgoing nature. Brighten your company events with Lisianthus arrangements.