National Flower Delivery

Send a national flower delivery from James Cress Florist! Our flower shop connects with trusted florists and farms to provide national flower delivery. We can deliver flowers and gifts nationwide in the United States and beyond through our network of expert florists! Please note that occasional substitutions of flowers or a vase may be necessary due to local availability, but great care is taken to maintain the design and appearance of each floral bouquet.

Direct-To-Door Flowers

Available Nationwide with Free Delivery! Let us ship farm-fresh bouquets direct to your door in as little as 2-3 days. Please note: orders will take longer to arrive when placed on weekends or around major holidays. Rare shipping delays due to carriers may occur. For maximum freshness, your flowers might arrive as buds and will open and reach full bloom in a few days.

Gift Baskets

Available Nationwide with Free Delivery! Please note: These items are shipped through a delivery service such as UPS or FedEx. Shipping times may vary and we are unable to guarantee exact delivery dates. Most gift items are delivered in a few days to a week, but delivery times vary by product and availability. Occasional substitutions may apply and rarely an item may be unavailable or out of stock, in which case we will contact you.

Florist-Delivered Flowers

Available in almost every town Nationwide, let one of our hand-selected florist partners design and deliver your arrangement. Occasional substitutions may occur. Delivery typically available on the same day or next day depending on time of the year. Prices and availability in some areas may vary.

**These items are not available for in-store pick up**

National Flower Delivery - James Cress Florist

James Cress Florist knows that many of our dearest friends and loved ones live far away. This is why we continue to allow our customers to send a national flower delivery. While they can't receive a flower delivery from James Cress Florist in Long Island, NY, you can rest assured that they'll get the next best thing. Our florists have established a network of reliable and professional local florists all across the USA and Canada. Order online, or call. Give us your loved one's address, and we'll cover the rest. We'll do all we can to ensure the recipient receives the correct national flower delivery. Call James Cress Florist today!